Woodworm Bore Dust

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Q. What is Woodworm Bore Dust?

A. It is made up of chewed wood particles and fecal pellets - woodworm poo. The tunnels are filled with the fecal pellets of the grub (the wood 'worm' itself) which are cream in colour and lemon shaped. They feel gritty if rubbed between ones fingers. The exist holes dribble wood dust particles, which are the cuttings that the beetle makes as it exists from its pupal chamber, where it changed (metamorphosed) from a grub into a beetle.

Q. What does Woodworm Bore Dust look like?

A. The poo pellets are cream in colour and lemon shaped. The wood particles look bright, as if you'd just drilled a hole into the wood.

Where can I buy Boron based Woodworm Treatment?

Q. If the dust dribbling out the woodworm holes is bright, what does it indicate?
A. Look down the hole with a magnifying glass. If the wood dust and hole edges look bright in colour, it is most likely to be an 'active' infestation. An 'active' infestation is considered to mean that the insect emerged in the last 2 years and therefore Chemical Treatment is justified. If the wood dust and hole edges look grey and dirty, it is probably an old infestation and there is no need to carry out Chemical Treatment.

Fresh woodworm holes showing bore dust

Fresh woodworm holes showing bright bore dust, indicating recent activity.

Q. I can see dust coming out of the holes. What does this mean?

A. The dust is called 'frass'. It is the bore dust that the common furniture beetle produces when he cuts holes. It is cream coloured, formed into lemon shaped pellets and gritty when rubbed between the fingers.

Q. Where is woodworm dust most likely to be found?

A. In the back of old furniture. Woodworm love to eat old plywood because of the animal bone glues used in it's construction. This plywood is often found in the back boards and drawers of old tallboys, wardrobes, dressing tables and cupboards.

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Property Repair Systems,

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Other Property Repair Systems Sites:

www.boron.org.uk - how to use Boron based insecticides/fungicides to treat timber rots and insect attack

www.dampness-info.co.uk - how to treat penetrating dampness in walls and plaster

www.deck-treatment.co.uk - how to treat patio decks and yacht decks

www.dryrot.biz - how to kill Dry Rot in buildings

www.drywallandfloor.co.uk - membranes for lining damp walls, floors, basements and cellars

www.epoxy-info.co.uk - epoxy resins for repairing wood, concrete, brick and stone

www.fire-door-paint.co.uk - upgrade doors to 30 minutes fire resistance

www.joist-repair.co.uk - how to quickly repair joists and beams of any size

www.steel-fire-paint.co.uk - treat steel with Intumescent Paint to provide fire protection

www.timber.org.uk - systems of repair, with step by step methods

www.timber-repair.co.uk - how to repair timber beams

www.woodworm-info.co.uk - how to kill and prevent woodworm and death watch beetle